
So... today I thought it might be a clever idea to vac and mop the kitchen. Nice one, right? I always reckoned someone should give me a housewife of the year- award!
I got the vac and gave it a real good go... I had to unclog it twice because Shannons abandoned q- tips got stuck. Why is this cat so keen on q- tips? And why can't I find them before they clog up the vac?
I swiftly avoided mummified toy mice, as there are things that need to remain untouched... the cat owners among you know what I mean. It doesn't take a real, dead little mouse to give me the shivers, the chewed- on toy mice look far too real for my liking. I really love mice, so those mummified things are best ignored.
Where was I? Oh, yeah. So, after the vac had done its job, it was time to get the mop. Where the heck had I left it? Aw, right, in the basement next to the firewood, right where it belongs. Err.
The mop head is one of those sponge things that are supposed to make the job easier... well, not mine, as it had begun its very own process of mummification, so it needed replacing. Who would have thought it takes a screwdriver and 15 minutes of my day to replace a stupid mop head? Well, that job got done eventually.
The new mop head was put to action and I happily scrubbed away... for about 20 seconds, when the bast... bugg... fuc... when the thing fell apart.
I finished the task with the undone spongy thing, on my knees, probably displaying a builders bum and enriching the atmosphere with mumbled swearwords even I had never heard before.
Well, it is all done now, and should I ever move house again, I will make sure the kitchen is so tiny that you can't even turn around in it! Or maybe just get a night job in order to afford a house maid.
So, where's my award, please?

Inspired by soapy water, I came up with a bunch of random bubbles. Not sure if they are of any use, but I kinda like them. Better than actual soap bubbles, trust me on that.

Click image for large preview, download here and enjoy!


Bimba 3/10/2010 1:36 pm  

Thank you :)

Anonymous 3/10/2010 10:12 pm  

Thank you so much for sharing.

Yin 3/11/2010 9:24 am  

Thanks! these are so fun and interesting!

BLOG NEWS 1/31/2011 1:53 am  


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About Me

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German ex pat in West Yorkshire, I am living with The Man and 5 crackpot cats in Leeds. When I'm not "improving" something with spray paint and a glue gun or hide behind either a book or a PC screen, I am the deputy (mis)manager of a local bookie. (hey, all those glue sticks aren't free, and a job's a job- or so I keep telling myself!) Feel free to drop me a line, I love to hear from all you guys out there!



