cutout alpha

I didn't even mean to do another newspaper alpha, it just kinda happened. No rant to go with this one, I am tired and actually too lazy to walk up two flights of stairs to my bed... disgraceful! (even worse- for the last week or two I was... and still am...- too lazy to bring most of the finished washing upstairs. Let's just say the wardrobes never looked more organized. Or empty, if you absolutely NEED to be judgemental! lol)
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wateboe 3/10/2010 1:23 pm  

Great stuff! You have been busy lately and I really appreciaite it.

Anonymous 3/10/2010 10:13 pm  

Thank you for sharing your work.

Anonymous 3/11/2010 2:19 pm  

Thanks for the great Alphabet!

Sue 3/12/2010 3:10 pm  

Thanks so much for the fun alpha! :)

katiedidit 3/14/2010 4:29 pm  

Thank you for the wonderful designs. I love the multitude of textures that are in your papers. They're beautiful. Thanks again.

iamb 5/06/2010 12:51 am  

Love this alpha, thanks so much!

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German ex pat in West Yorkshire, I am living with The Man and 5 crackpot cats in Leeds. When I'm not "improving" something with spray paint and a glue gun or hide behind either a book or a PC screen, I am the deputy (mis)manager of a local bookie. (hey, all those glue sticks aren't free, and a job's a job- or so I keep telling myself!) Feel free to drop me a line, I love to hear from all you guys out there!


